On this page you can view all the Figures from this book.

Fig. 1 Individual mind structure and its natural connecting availabilities

Fig. 2 Individual mind structure using artificial connecting devices

Fig. 3 Individual mind structure of a newborn baby – it is a bright, transparent spherical structure, without any concepts.

Fig. 4 Individual mind structure of an adult – it is fully structured by concepts (individual conceptual mind structure)

Fig. 5 Artificial connectivity level – evolution over the last 50 years

Fig.6 Human mind connectivity level – evolution over the last millenniums

Fig. 7 Individual conceptual mind structure of a 4–5-year-old child

Fig. 8 The effects over individual mind structure when passing through constructive and pleasant experiences

Fig. 9 The effects over individual mind structure when passing through non-constructive and unpleasant experiences

Fig. 10 Individual Conceptual Mind structure that has a high connectivity level

Fig. 11 Individual Conceptual Mind structure that has a low connectivity level (which is currently considered normal at the global level)

Fig. 12 Individual Conceptual Mind with a highly opacified structure

Fig. 13 Individual Conceptual Mind structure of an old person

Fig. 14 Brain activated by an individual mind structure with a low connectivity level

Fig .15 Brain activated by an individual mind structure with a high connectivity level